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Des dossiers pédagogiques qui regorgent d'idées


Games-Toys / Jeux-Jouets

Games-Toys / Jeux-Jouets

Laurence Caillaud-Roboam

Guillaume Trannoy

Mini Léon

The merry little Léon plays with toys in Art

As all children do, Léon the little chameleon loves games and toys : trampoline, dolles, marbles, hide-and-seek, swing, Teddy Bear, pegtop. Brueghel, Ditz, Chaplin, Renlir, Elsley, Chardin, Goya…

New price: 8€

This book is bilingual (English/French)

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3 - 7 years old

9 €

paper back

format : 20cm × 15cm

32 pages

EAN : 9791092232318

Mini Léon series

Art, English and Fun, a vitamin-packed cocktail / From 3 years up
Léon is the young reader's companion: Alternating humour, courage and reverie, he plays with art in a most inventive way. Each book explores a theme through 13 works of art from various periods and cultures. A sentence in both French and English emphasizes the interaction on each page. At the end of the book is a documented double-page rich with ideas of activities.